Kent Interleague 2024

Sitemap URL Modification date Change freq. Priority
Main page   weekly 1.0
Index 15/12/2024 weekly 0.95
Summary 08/12/2024 weekly 0.95
League results for Interleague week 1 23/06/2024 weekly 0.9
League results for Interleague week 10 01/12/2024 weekly 0.9
League results for Interleague week 2 23/06/2024 weekly 0.9
League results for Interleague week 3 23/06/2024 weekly 0.9
League results for Interleague week 4 23/06/2024 weekly 0.9
League results for Interleague week 5 23/06/2024 weekly 0.9
League results for Interleague week 6 15/08/2024 weekly 0.9
League results for Interleague week 7 02/09/2024 weekly 0.9
League results for Interleague week 8 03/11/2024 weekly 0.9
League results for Interleague week 9 08/12/2024 weekly 0.9
League tables 08/12/2024 weekly 0.9
League tables for Division 1 26/11/2024 weekly 0.9
League tables for Division 2 08/12/2024 weekly 0.9
League tables for Division 3 01/12/2024 weekly 0.9
League tables for Division 4 26/11/2024 weekly 0.9
League tables for Division 5 26/11/2024 weekly 0.9
Player statistics for Ashford A 26/11/2024 weekly 0.9
Player statistics for Ashford B 26/11/2024 weekly 0.9
Player statistics for Bye 23/06/2024 weekly 0.9
Player statistics for Canterbury A 26/11/2024 weekly 0.9
Player statistics for Canterbury B 26/11/2024 weekly 0.9
Player statistics for Folkestone Bee'S 26/11/2024 weekly 0.9
Player statistics for Frames Margate 26/11/2024 weekly 0.9
Player statistics for Gravesham A 26/11/2024 weekly 0.9
Player statistics for Gravesham B 28/10/2024 weekly 0.9
Player statistics for Gravesham Ballers 26/11/2024 weekly 0.9
Player statistics for Gravesham C 01/12/2024 weekly 0.9
Player statistics for Jordans Crusaders 08/12/2024 weekly 0.9
Player statistics for Maidstone A 26/11/2024 weekly 0.9
Player statistics for Maidstone B 26/11/2024 weekly 0.9
Player statistics for Maidstone C 26/11/2024 weekly 0.9
Player statistics for Medway A 26/11/2024 weekly 0.9
Player statistics for Medway Chavvies A 01/12/2024 weekly 0.9
Player statistics for Medway Chavvies B 26/11/2024 weekly 0.9
Player statistics for Medway Fleur 26/11/2024 weekly 0.9
Player statistics for Medway Raiders 28/10/2024 weekly 0.9
Player statistics for Rochester 26/11/2024 weekly 0.9
Player statistics for Romney 26/11/2024 weekly 0.9
Player statistics for Romney Invicta 26/11/2024 weekly 0.9
Player statistics for Sheppey A 11/11/2024 weekly 0.9
Player statistics for Sheppey Shipwreckers 26/11/2024 weekly 0.9
Player statistics for Sittingbourne 26/11/2024 weekly 0.9
Player statistics for Whitecliffs Dover A 26/11/2024 weekly 0.9
Player statistics for Whitecliffs Dover B 26/11/2024 weekly 0.9
Player statistics for Whitecliffs Elite 08/12/2024 weekly 0.9
Player statistics for Whitstable Anchors 26/11/2024 weekly 0.9
Matrix for Division 1 25/11/2024 weekly 0.8
Matrix for Division 2 08/12/2024 weekly 0.8
Matrix for Division 3 01/12/2024 weekly 0.8
Matrix for Division 4 25/11/2024 weekly 0.8
Matrix for Division 5 25/11/2024 weekly 0.8
Sitemap for search engines 15/12/2024 weekly 0.8
.htaccess 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Fixtures played at Bailiffs Sergeant 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Fixtures played at Bat & Ball 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Fixtures played at Century Club Sports & Social Bar 01/07/2024 monthly 0.7
Fixtures played at Charing (Pavillion) Sports Club 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Fixtures played at Chatham Pool & Snooker Club 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Fixtures played at Conservative Club 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Fixtures played at Cousins Pool & Snooker Lounge 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Fixtures played at Dover Working Men's Club 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Fixtures played at Elephants Head 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Fixtures played at Fleur de Lis 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Fixtures played at Frames Snooker & Pool Club 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Fixtures played at Jordan's Pool & Snooker Lounge 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Fixtures played at Maidstone Snooker Club 01/07/2024 monthly 0.7
Fixtures played at Neptune Sports Lounge 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Fixtures played at Painters Ash 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Fixtures played at The Dugout 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Fixtures played at The Levin Club 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Fixtures played at The Monument 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Fixtures played at The Ship on the Shore 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Fixtures played at Woodcombe Social Club 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Knockout report for Interleague Singles 15/12/2024 monthly 0.7
Knockout report for Interleague Team Knockout Cup 15/12/2024 monthly 0.7
League Fixtures for Division 1 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
League Fixtures for Division 2 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
League Fixtures for Division 3 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
League Fixtures for Division 4 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
League Fixtures for Division 5 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
List of Matches 08/12/2024 monthly 0.7
List of Matches for Ashford A 25/11/2024 monthly 0.7
List of Matches for Ashford B 25/11/2024 monthly 0.7
List of Matches for Bye 15/08/2024 monthly 0.7
List of Matches for Canterbury A 25/11/2024 monthly 0.7
List of Matches for Canterbury B 25/11/2024 monthly 0.7
List of Matches for Division 1 25/11/2024 monthly 0.7
List of Matches for Division 2 08/12/2024 monthly 0.7
List of Matches for Division 3 01/12/2024 monthly 0.7
List of Matches for Division 4 25/11/2024 monthly 0.7
List of Matches for Division 5 25/11/2024 monthly 0.7
List of Matches for Folkestone Bee'S 25/11/2024 monthly 0.7
List of Matches for Frames Margate 25/11/2024 monthly 0.7
List of Matches for Gravesham A 25/11/2024 monthly 0.7
List of Matches for Gravesham B 27/10/2024 monthly 0.7
List of Matches for Gravesham Ballers 25/11/2024 monthly 0.7
List of Matches for Gravesham C 01/12/2024 monthly 0.7
List of Matches for Jordans Crusaders 08/12/2024 monthly 0.7
List of Matches for Maidstone A 25/11/2024 monthly 0.7
List of Matches for Maidstone B 25/11/2024 monthly 0.7
List of Matches for Maidstone C 25/11/2024 monthly 0.7
List of Matches for Medway A 25/11/2024 monthly 0.7
List of Matches for Medway Chavvies A 01/12/2024 monthly 0.7
List of Matches for Medway Chavvies B 25/11/2024 monthly 0.7
List of Matches for Medway Fleur 25/11/2024 monthly 0.7
List of Matches for Medway Raiders 25/11/2024 monthly 0.7
List of Matches for Rochester 25/11/2024 monthly 0.7
List of Matches for Romney 25/11/2024 monthly 0.7
List of Matches for Romney Invicta 25/11/2024 monthly 0.7
List of Matches for Sheppey A 25/11/2024 monthly 0.7
List of Matches for Sheppey Shipwreckers 25/11/2024 monthly 0.7
List of Matches for Sittingbourne 25/11/2024 monthly 0.7
List of Matches for Whitecliffs Dover A 25/11/2024 monthly 0.7
List of Matches for Whitecliffs Dover B 25/11/2024 monthly 0.7
List of Matches for Whitecliffs Elite 08/12/2024 monthly 0.7
List of Matches for Whitstable Anchors 25/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Ashford A v Ashford B (S1) 25/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Ashford A v Maidstone A (S2) 28/10/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Ashford A v Maidstone B (S1) 07/10/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Ashford A v Medway Raiders (S1) 18/08/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Ashford A v Romney (S2) 29/07/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Ashford B v Ashford A (S2) 26/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Ashford B v Maidstone A (S1) 28/07/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Ashford B v Maidstone B (S2) 19/08/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Ashford B v Medway Raiders (S1) 27/10/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Ashford B v Romney (S2) 30/09/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Bye v Gravesham A (S2) 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Bye v Gravesham B (S2) 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Bye v Jordans Crusaders (S1) 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Bye v Sheppey Shipwreckers (S1) 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Bye v Whitecliffs Elite (S2) 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Canterbury A v Medway A (S2) 29/07/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Canterbury A v Rochester (S2) 26/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Canterbury A v Romney Invicta (S1) 18/08/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Canterbury A v Sheppey A (S2) 30/09/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Canterbury A v Whitecliffs Dover A (S1) 27/10/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Canterbury B v Frames Margate (S2) 28/10/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Canterbury B v Maidstone C (S1) 25/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Canterbury B v Medway Chavvies B (S1) 28/07/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Canterbury B v Medway Fleur (S1) 29/09/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Canterbury B v Whitstable Anchors (S2) 19/08/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Folkestone Bee'S v Gravesham Ballers (S1) 28/07/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Folkestone Bee'S v Gravesham C (S2) 26/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Folkestone Bee'S v Medway Chavvies A (S2) 28/10/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Folkestone Bee'S v Sittingbourne (S1) 29/09/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Folkestone Bee'S v Whitecliffs Dover B (S2) 26/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Frames Margate v Canterbury B (S1) 27/10/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Frames Margate v Maidstone C (S2) 30/09/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Frames Margate v Medway Chavvies B (S2) 30/09/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Frames Margate v Medway Fleur (S1) 15/08/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Frames Margate v Whitstable Anchors (S2) 26/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Gravesham A v Bye (S1) 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Gravesham A v Gravesham B (S2) 29/07/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Gravesham A v Jordans Crusaders (S2) 30/09/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Gravesham A v Sheppey Shipwreckers (S1) 18/08/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Gravesham A v Whitecliffs Elite (S2) 26/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Gravesham B v Bye (S1) 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Gravesham B v Gravesham A (S1) 28/07/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Gravesham B v Jordans Crusaders (S2) 19/08/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Gravesham B v Sheppey Shipwreckers (S2) 28/10/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Gravesham B v Whitecliffs Elite (S1) 29/09/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Gravesham Ballers v Folkestone Bee'S (S2) 29/07/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Gravesham Ballers v Gravesham C (S2) 28/10/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Gravesham Ballers v Medway Chavvies A (S1) 29/09/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Gravesham Ballers v Sittingbourne (S1) 25/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Gravesham Ballers v Whitecliffs Dover B (S1) 02/09/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Gravesham C v Folkestone Bee'S (S1) 18/08/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Gravesham C v Gravesham Ballers (S1) 27/10/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Gravesham C v Medway Chavvies A (S1) 01/12/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Gravesham C v Sittingbourne (S2) 29/07/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Gravesham C v Whitecliffs Dover B (S2) 03/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Jordans Crusaders v Bye (S2) 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Jordans Crusaders v Gravesham A (S1) 29/09/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Jordans Crusaders v Gravesham B (S1) 18/08/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Jordans Crusaders v Sheppey Shipwreckers (S1) 25/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Jordans Crusaders v Whitecliffs Elite (S2) 08/12/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Maidstone A v Ashford A (S1) 27/10/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Maidstone A v Ashford B (S2) 29/07/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Maidstone A v Maidstone B (S1) 25/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Maidstone A v Medway Raiders (S2) 30/09/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Maidstone A v Romney (S1) 18/08/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Maidstone B v Ashford A (S2) 07/10/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Maidstone B v Ashford B (S1) 18/08/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Maidstone B v Maidstone A (S2) 26/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Maidstone B v Medway Raiders (S2) 29/07/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Maidstone B v Romney (S1) 27/10/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Maidstone C v Canterbury B (S2) 26/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Maidstone C v Frames Margate (S1) 29/09/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Maidstone C v Medway Chavvies B (S2) 21/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Maidstone C v Medway Fleur (S2) 19/08/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Maidstone C v Whitstable Anchors (S1) 28/07/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Medway A v Canterbury A (S1) 28/07/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Medway A v Rochester (S1) 29/09/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Medway A v Romney Invicta (S2) 21/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Medway A v Sheppey A (S2) 19/08/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Medway A v Whitecliffs Dover A (S1) 25/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Medway Chavvies A v Folkestone Bee'S (S1) 27/10/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Medway Chavvies A v Gravesham Ballers (S2) 30/09/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Medway Chavvies A v Gravesham C (S2) 01/12/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Medway Chavvies A v Sittingbourne (S1) 18/08/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Medway Chavvies A v Whitecliffs Dover B (S2) 29/07/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Medway Chavvies B v Canterbury B (S2) 30/09/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Medway Chavvies B v Frames Margate (S1) 18/08/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Medway Chavvies B v Maidstone C (S1) 21/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Medway Chavvies B v Medway Fleur (S2) 26/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Medway Chavvies B v Whitstable Anchors (S2) 30/09/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Medway Fleur v Canterbury B (S2) 30/09/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Medway Fleur v Frames Margate (S2) 15/08/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Medway Fleur v Maidstone C (S1) 18/08/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Medway Fleur v Medway Chavvies B (S1) 25/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Medway Fleur v Whitstable Anchors (S1) 27/10/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Medway Raiders v Ashford A (S2) 19/08/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Medway Raiders v Ashford B (S2) 28/10/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Medway Raiders v Maidstone A (S1) 29/09/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Medway Raiders v Maidstone B (S1) 28/07/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Medway Raiders v Romney (S1) 25/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Rochester v Canterbury A (S1) 25/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Rochester v Medway A (S2) 30/09/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Rochester v Romney Invicta (S2) 29/07/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Rochester v Sheppey A (S1) 11/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Rochester v Whitecliffs Dover A (S1) 02/09/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Romney Invicta v Canterbury A (S2) 19/08/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Romney Invicta v Medway A (S1) 21/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Romney Invicta v Rochester (S1) 28/07/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Romney Invicta v Sheppey A (S2) 26/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Romney Invicta v Whitecliffs Dover A (S2) 30/09/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Romney v Ashford A (S1) 28/07/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Romney v Ashford B (S1) 29/09/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Romney v Maidstone A (S2) 19/08/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Romney v Maidstone B (S2) 28/10/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Romney v Medway Raiders (S2) 26/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Sheppey A v Canterbury A (S1) 29/09/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Sheppey A v Medway A (S1) 18/08/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Sheppey A v Rochester (S2) 11/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Sheppey A v Romney Invicta (S1) 25/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Sheppey A v Whitecliffs Dover A (S2) 29/07/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Sheppey Shipwreckers v Bye (S2) 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Sheppey Shipwreckers v Gravesham A (S2) 19/08/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Sheppey Shipwreckers v Gravesham B (S1) 27/10/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Sheppey Shipwreckers v Jordans Crusaders (S2) 26/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Sheppey Shipwreckers v Whitecliffs Elite (S1) 28/07/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Sittingbourne v Folkestone Bee'S (S2) 30/09/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Sittingbourne v Gravesham Ballers (S2) 26/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Sittingbourne v Gravesham C (S1) 28/07/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Sittingbourne v Medway Chavvies A (S2) 19/08/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Sittingbourne v Whitecliffs Dover B (S1) 27/10/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Whitecliffs Dover A v Canterbury A (S2) 28/10/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Whitecliffs Dover A v Medway A (S2) 26/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Whitecliffs Dover A v Rochester (S2) 02/09/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Whitecliffs Dover A v Romney Invicta (S1) 29/09/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Whitecliffs Dover A v Sheppey A (S1) 28/07/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Whitecliffs Dover B v Folkestone Bee'S (S1) 25/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Whitecliffs Dover B v Gravesham Ballers (S2) 02/09/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Whitecliffs Dover B v Gravesham C (S1) 03/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Whitecliffs Dover B v Medway Chavvies A (S1) 28/07/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Whitecliffs Dover B v Sittingbourne (S2) 28/10/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Whitecliffs Elite v Bye (S1) 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Whitecliffs Elite v Gravesham A (S1) 25/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Whitecliffs Elite v Gravesham B (S2) 30/09/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Whitecliffs Elite v Jordans Crusaders (S1) 08/12/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Whitecliffs Elite v Sheppey Shipwreckers (S2) 29/07/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Whitstable Anchors v Canterbury B (S1) 18/08/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Whitstable Anchors v Frames Margate (S1) 25/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Whitstable Anchors v Maidstone C (S2) 29/07/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Whitstable Anchors v Medway Chavvies B (S1) 30/09/2024 monthly 0.7
Match sheet for Whitstable Anchors v Medway Fleur (S2) 28/10/2024 monthly 0.7
Outstanding or postponed matches 08/12/2024 monthly 0.7
Redseal-Logo.svg 19/05/2022 monthly 0.7
Team lists for Ashford A 07/10/2024 monthly 0.7
Team lists for Ashford B 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Team lists for Bye 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Team lists for Canterbury A 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Team lists for Canterbury B 28/10/2024 monthly 0.7
Team lists for Folkestone Bee'S 26/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Team lists for Frames Margate 30/09/2024 monthly 0.7
Team lists for Gravesham A 29/07/2024 monthly 0.7
Team lists for Gravesham B 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Team lists for Gravesham Ballers 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Team lists for Gravesham C 28/07/2024 monthly 0.7
Team lists for Jordans Crusaders 08/12/2024 monthly 0.7
Team lists for Maidstone A 19/08/2024 monthly 0.7
Team lists for Maidstone B 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Team lists for Maidstone C 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Team lists for Medway A 30/07/2024 monthly 0.7
Team lists for Medway Chavvies A 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Team lists for Medway Chavvies B 26/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Team lists for Medway Fleur 26/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Team lists for Medway Raiders 29/07/2024 monthly 0.7
Team lists for Rochester 11/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Team lists for Romney 19/08/2024 monthly 0.7
Team lists for Romney Invicta 29/07/2024 monthly 0.7
Team lists for Sheppey A 29/07/2024 monthly 0.7
Team lists for Sheppey Shipwreckers 26/11/2024 monthly 0.7
Team lists for Sittingbourne 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Team lists for Whitecliffs Dover A 23/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Team lists for Whitecliffs Dover B 02/09/2024 monthly 0.7
Team lists for Whitecliffs Elite 26/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Team lists for Whitstable Anchors 28/10/2024 monthly 0.7
ULMMenuScripts.htm 22/01/2024 monthly 0.7
Venue details 11/11/2024 monthly 0.7
absolutepath.php 22/01/2024 monthly 0.7
ULMKnockout.css 15/12/2024 monthly 0.5
ULMMain.css 11/11/2024 monthly 0.5
ULMMenu.htm 15/12/2024 monthly 0.5
ULMModule.css 23/06/2024 monthly 0.5
ULMPrint.css 15/08/2024 monthly 0.5
w3pro.css 23/06/2024 monthly 0.5
Table module (feature rich) for Division 1 25/11/2024 monthly 0.4
Table module (feature rich) for Division 2 08/12/2024 monthly 0.4
Table module (feature rich) for Division 3 01/12/2024 monthly 0.4
Table module (feature rich) for Division 4 25/11/2024 monthly 0.4
Table module (feature rich) for Division 5 25/11/2024 monthly 0.4
Table module (feature rich) for Kent Interleague 2024 08/12/2024 monthly 0.4
Table module (full stats) (feature rich) for Division 1 25/11/2024 monthly 0.4
Table module (full stats) (feature rich) for Division 2 08/12/2024 monthly 0.4
Table module (full stats) (feature rich) for Division 3 01/12/2024 monthly 0.4
Table module (full stats) (feature rich) for Division 4 25/11/2024 monthly 0.4
Table module (full stats) (feature rich) for Division 5 25/11/2024 monthly 0.4
Table module (full stats) (feature rich) for Kent Interleague 2024 08/12/2024 monthly 0.4
Table module (full stats) for Division 1 25/11/2024 monthly 0.4
Table module (full stats) for Division 2 08/12/2024 monthly 0.4
Table module (full stats) for Division 3 01/12/2024 monthly 0.4
Table module (full stats) for Division 4 25/11/2024 monthly 0.4
Table module (full stats) for Division 5 25/11/2024 monthly 0.4
Table module (full stats) for Kent Interleague 2024 08/12/2024 monthly 0.4
Table module for Division 1 25/11/2024 monthly 0.4
Table module for Division 2 08/12/2024 monthly 0.4
Table module for Division 3 01/12/2024 monthly 0.4
Table module for Division 4 25/11/2024 monthly 0.4
Table module for Division 5 25/11/2024 monthly 0.4
Table module for Kent Interleague 2024 08/12/2024 monthly 0.4
Device test page 13/07/2024 monthly 0.3

RedsealSWRedsealSW version 4.6.57.F on 15/12/2024 at 13:46:51